Vista Vocational Resources Center, Inc. is now an Employment Network for the Ticket to Work Program. Offering benefits to job seekers receiving Social Security Insurance (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).
The Ticket to Work program is designed specifically for individuals receiving SSI or SSDI benefits who wish to return to work. The goal of this program is to assist the ticket holders with finding employment that will allow them to support themselves independently. The Ticket to Work program offers a trial work period (9 months) that will provide the job-seeker with the benefit of keeping their cash and medical benefits as they attempt to return to work. After the trial work period, the program continues to provide medical benefits for 36 months. There are added work incentives such as the option to purchase medical benefits, and expedited reinstatement of benefits. Please setup an intake appointment with our staff to learn more about your options to return to work using your Ticket to Work.
Services Offered for Ticket to Work:
Individual Work Plan (IWP): Job Placement and Supported Employment Specialist assist job seekers in creating an IWP. An Individual Work Plan identifies employment goals and allows the consumer to request services they may need to be successful in their job hunt.
Vocational Evaluation: Our Ticket holders have the option to participate in a vocational evaluation to determine their limitations and identify any accommodations that may assist them with returning to work. Additionally, various interest tests will be administered to help with forming a suitable job goal. Learn more about our Vocational Evaluations.
Job Readiness Training: Ticket holders are eligible for our Job Readiness Training Program. The training program is individualized to include services such as: resume development, interview training, disability awareness, and personal / socialization skills. Learn more about our Job Readiness Training Program.
Job Placement: Job placement services are tailored to the individual and the assistance provided can include: job lead development, assistance completing application and customizing resumes/cover letters, assistance preparing for the interview and transportation to the interview if needed. We also have a clothing pantry and assistance purchasing an interview outfit if needed. Read more about our Job Placement Services.
Our Ticket to Work services are available in English, Spanish and American Sign Language. Please call us to schedule an intake to learn more about how we can help you.
7434 Louis Pasteur Ste 230 San Antonio, TX 78229 US 210.270.7701
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